ASU, as an institution, does not engage in classified work on campus. On occasion, however, access to classified materials may be necessary.
If an employee is requested by an outside agency to obtain a security clearance, the employee should contact ASU’s facility security officer for assistance. The employee may need security clearances to perform certain types of research at contractor facilities.
If an employee receives classified materials, the employee must contact the facility security officer immediately. Materials must remain intact and unopened.
In the normal course of a sponsored project, certain aspects of the work may develop in such a way that the federal government may require classification. In these situations, the principal investigator (PI) must notify the facility security officer immediately. This requirement does not include the development of processes or procedures for commercialization of patents.
For other questions concerning classified research or security clearances contact:
Debra Murphy
Facility Security Officer
Director, Knowledge Enterprise Operations (480) 965-2179 or [email protected]