ORIA recommends the use of courier service for international shipments as they have several export control questions that will enable the shipper to determine if a license is required. You may also use the Export Control Wizard to help determine if the materials may be export controlled. If you believe a shipment may contain export controlled materials, contact us.

Pro forma invoices

You may need pro forma invoices for shipment and entry into the destination country. To request a Pro Forma invoice, contact us. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Name, address and phone number for the Exporter of Record.
  • Name, address and phone number for the Importer of Record.
  • Description, quantity, weight and value of item being shipped.

Research Compliance will review the materials, help identify if the materials are subject to any export restrictions, and provide a finalized pro forma invoice if no issues are identified.

Materials transfer agreements and permits

Depending on the destination country and the material being shipped, you may need permits to import into the destination country or they may not clear customs. Researchers are responsible for obtaining the necessary permits. Any materials that you send to collaborators or other parties for use in research require a Materials Transfer Agreement prior to the transfer.