The ASU Institutional Review Board has implemented an IRB Wizard tool to streamline the IRB review process for studies that fall under one or more exempt categories. To determine if your study is eligible for a determination through the wizard, please review the criteria below.


  1. Unfunded research (i.e., studies that are NOT externally funded by federal agencies, industries, foundations, or local partners) – internally (ASU) funded research is eligible.
  2. Not a clinical trial.
  3. Single-site study (IRB procedures conducted at ASU only and no external collaborators).
  4. Participants are adults (18 years or older) and not from a vulnerable population (i.e., non-military, non- Native American, and/or non-prisoner population).
  5. Single component of data collection (surveys/interviews/focus groups etc.). Submissions that have multiple components of data collection (e.g., interviews AND surveys) will NOT be eligible for the IRB Wizard.
  6. Researchers do not have a dual role (i.e., conduct research on participants that they supervise/oversee).
  7. Study conducted in the U.S.
  8. Research does not involve sensitive topics related to drug/alcohol use, sexual behavior, mental health, criminal behavior, immigration status, or personal financial information.
  9. Research does not involve other information that could put participants at risk of criminal/civil liability.
  10. Research involves use of secondary human subjects data that are publicly available.

If you are unsure if your study meets the criteria above, you can reach out to [email protected] for clarification.

However, if you feel that your study meets these criteria, please complete the Wizard by accessing the following link:

Once you have received a determination through the Wizard, please follow these steps:

  1. Download a copy of Wizard’s determination (e.g., This activity is not human subjects so 45 CFR part 46 does not apply) and the response ID (e.g., R_3ewUzgEYL7bzLty).
  2. Log into the Enterprise Research Administration site, click on the “IRB” tab, and create a new study.
  3. Fill out the basic study information and upload a copy of the IRB Wizard’s determination and response ID in lieu of the IRB protocol application under the “Attach the protocol” question. Do not upload any other application materials (e.g., recruitment, consent, or supporting documents).
  4. Only a full-time faculty/staff can serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) on the IRB submission. Students/Postdocs cannot serve as PIs. Once the submission is ready for review, the PI can submit to the ASU IRB for an official approval letter.

IMPORTANT: These questions were developed by the Federal Demonstration Partnership. The wizard should not be used for studies involving recruitment on Tribal Land and/or Native American participants. These types of studies require a review in accordance with ABOR 118. There are other cases in which the wizard may indicate the study is not eligible. In those cases, please submit directly in the ERA system. If you have questions about the determination, you can contact [email protected]. As you complete the wizard provides honest responses, so the wizard has the most accurate information.