The Intellectual Property and Institutional Review Committee may also assist in the evaluation and disposition of faculty financial conflicts of interest. The committee is made up of faculty and staff representing the diversity of academic and research disciplines of the university.  

IPIRC meetings are currently held virtually typically every quarter, unless noted otherwise. Upcoming meetings are scheduled for:

Meeting dates for FY2025Time
Monday, September 9, 20243:00 – 4:30 P.M.
Monday, November 25, 20243:00 – 4:30 P.M.
Monday, February 10, 20253:00 – 4:30 P.M.
Monday, April 14, 20253:00 – 4:30 P.M.

If you are not involved in research, you may complete a conflict of interest disclosure through the Office of General Counsel

Researchers may disclose using the ERA MyDisclosures portal. See the MyDisclosures page for training guides and videos

Review process

Once an investigator has made a disclosure, the MyDisclosures system will notify the supervisor that the investigator has submitted a financial disclosure for the supervisor to review and acknowledge.   

Research Compliance reviews the financial interest disclosure and makes a recommendation regarding any potential financial conflicts of interest. If Research Compliance determines that no financial conflict exists or that disclosure only is required, Research Compliance will notify the individual who filed the disclosure.

If Research Compliance determines that the disclosure is a significant conflict of interest, the office will work with the investigator to set up a management plan to appropriately manage the conflict and identify a plan to monitor compliance with the management plan. Once the investigator and Research Compliance reach a management plan agreement, the investigator, plan monitor and institutional official will sign the management plan to formalize the agreement.

The investigator may not initiate research until an agreement on a management plan is reached. 

Research Compliance also reports significant financial interests that are disclosed to ASU Financial Services as part of ASU compliance with the state procurement laws. Research Compliance will work with the investigator to eliminate or appropriately manage the conflict if/when procurement activity with the conflicting entity arises.  

Management plans

To manage a significant financial conflict of interest, conditions or restrictions may be instituted which can include, but are not limited to:

  • Disclosing significant financial interests to all co‐investigators and trainers, and to journal editors.
  • Disclosure in publications, presentations and, in the case of human research, the informed consent document.
  • Monitoring the research by independent reviewers.
  • Designating a substitute PI (peer or superior) who has no significant financial interest in the project.
  • Modifying the research plan to manage, reduce or eliminate the conflict of interest.
  • Disqualifying participation in all or a portion of the research.
  • Divesting significant financial interests.
  • Severing relationships that create actual or potential conflicts.

Arizona state law may require the management of conflicting financial interests that arise if ASU enters into contracts for supplies, including subcontracts or with awards to third parties under sponsored projects.


ASU will hold disclosures in confidence, except for business purposes or when required by law to disclose it. Where appropriate, ASU may share this information with supervisors and appropriate ASU, Arizona Board of Regents and Skysong Innovations, LLC administrative personnel in conducting the review under the applicable policies. ASU may also share information on conflicts of interest with sponsors when required by the sponsor.

For Public Health Service and Department of Energy-sponsored research, the regulations require public accessibility of disclosures when a request is made under a public records request or the Freedom of Information Act. When a public request is made, ASU will provide a written response within 5 business days, as required, for financial interests that meet the following criteria:

  1. The significant financial interest was disclosed and is still held by key personnel.
  2. The review determined that the significant financial interest is related to the PHS or DOE-funded research.
  3. The review determined that the significant financial interest is a financial conflict of interest.

For financial interests that meet the criteria, ASU will disclose the following information:

  • The investigator’s name.
  • The investigator’s title and role with respect to the research project.
  • The name of the entity in which the significant financial interest is held.
  • The nature of the significant financial interest.
  • The approximate dollar value of the significant financial interest using the following ranges:
    • $0–$4,999.
    • $5,000–$9,999.
    • $10,000–$19,999.
    • $20,000–$100,000 by increments of $20,000.
    • Amounts above $100,000 by increments of $50,000.
    • A statement that the interest is one whose value cannot be readily determined through reference to public prices or other reasonable measures of fair market value.

Under DOE Interim COI policy, responses to written public requests will require confirmation that the information provided is current as of the date of the correspondence and is subject to updates, on at least an annual basis and within 60 days of identification of a new financial interest, which should be requested subsequently by the requestor.

Information concerning the significant financial interests must remain available for at least 3 years from the date that the information was most recently updated.