Safety practices

Responsible conduct of research requires a commitment to using safe practices. Safe practices make good sense and good science. When in the laboratory, it is important to:

  • Utilize personal protective equipment and engineering controls (e.g., biosafety cabinets) to mitigate risks.
  • Keep safety and security in mind at all times.
  • Practice emergency procedures.
  • Complete all required trainings and refresher courses.
  • Proactively report hazardous or unsafe work practices.
  • Be aware and ensure completion of occupational health requirements (e.g., vaccinations) for the research project, and include the expense for completing these requirements in your research project budget.

Utilizing effective safety and containment practices offers protection to personnel, animals and the environment and mitigates some of the risk inherent in scientific research. Sound practices also lessen the risk of contamination of materials used in experiments. Validation of primary materials used should be standard practice. The National Institutes of Health requires applicants submit a plan for authentication of key biological and/or chemical resources at the time of proposal submission.

The Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories defines four levels of biological containment:

  • Safety Level 1 (BSL-1) is required for work involving well-characterized agents not known to consistently cause disease in immunocompetent adult humans and present minimal potential hazard to laboratory personnel and the environment (low individual risk/low community risk).
  • Safety Level 2 (BSL-2) is required for work involving agents associated with human disease and pose moderate hazard to personnel and the environment (moderate individual risk/low community risk).
  • Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) is required for clinical, diagnostic, teaching, research or production facilities where work is performed with indigenous or exotic agents that may cause serious or potentially lethal disease through the inhalation route of exposure (high individual risk, low community risk). See ASU Policy for Biosafety Level lll Requirements and Practices.
  • Safety Level 4 (BSL-4) is required for work with dangerous and exotic agents that pose a high individual risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections and life-threatening diseases that are frequently fatal, for which there are no vaccines or treatments, or a related agent with unknown risk of transmission (high individual and community risk). ASU does not perform BSL-4 level work.

For each level of safety, the BMBL prescribes a set of standard precautions that should be taken when performing experiments to mitigate the risks associated with the research. During the review of a research disclosure, the IBC will determine a containment level for the research.

Biosafety guidance for viral vector systems

Reviewed and approved by the IBC on 8/13/2015.

VirusBiosafety levelAnimal biosafety level
Adenovirus BSL-2ABSL-2 for 72 hours then ABSL-1; Generated in human cells: ABSL-2
Adeno-Associated virusBSL-1; Helper virus used or produced or amplified in human cells: BSL-2 ; Express an oncogene or toxin: BSL-2Generated in insect cells: ABSL-1; Generated with helper virus: ABSL-2; Generated in human cells with no helper virus and no purification: ABSL-2 for 72 hours then ABSL-1;Generated in human cells, no helper virus, purified and validated from approved vendor: ABSL-1; Express an oncogene or toxin: ABSL-2
Epstein – Barr virusBSL-2ABSL-2
Herpes Simplex virusBSL-2ABSL-2
Lentivirus3rd Generation or Higher: BSL-2;If amphotropic or VSV-g envelope: BSL-2+Large volumes (>10 liters): BSL-3In rodents without human cells present is ABSL-2 for 72 hours, then ABSL-1-Transformed/transfected cells cultured in vitro for >72 hours prior to injection into rodent is ABSL-1 (plus the use of a certified Biological Safety Cabinet)
Moloney Murine Leukemia virusEcotropic: BSL-1;If amphotropic or VSV-g pseudotyped or contains toxin or oncogene: BSL-2 Ecotropic: ABSL-1; Amphotropic or pseudotyped vector: ABSL-2
Vaccinia virusBSL-2; BSL-1 for highly attenuated strains strains may be considered upon request to the IBCABSL-2;ABSL-1 for highly attenuated strains may be considered upon request to the IBC
Rabies virusBSL-2ABSL-2
Murine respirovirus, formerly Sendai virus (Murine parainfluenza virus type 1)BSL-2ABSL-2


ASU guidelines for receiving samples potentially containing highly pathogenic agents

Lapses in inactivation protocols at other institutions have resulted in the transfer of samples containing highly pathogenic agents from BSL-3 and BSL-4 containment laboratories to BSL-2 laboratories. In one instance, material from an Ebola virus experiment was transferred from a select agent-approved BSL-4 laboratory to a BSL-2 laboratory with potentially live virus in the samples1. Similar instances of samples containing live Bacillus anthracis and live H5N1 influenza virus occurred in mid-2014.

Active BSL-4 agents are not permitted at ASU. Active BSL-3 agents must be used and maintained in BSL-3 containment laboratories. BSL-3 and BSL-4 agents that have been inactivated are permitted for use within BSL-2 laboratories if at least one of the following conditions have been met:

  • Sample inactivation by provider.

The provider must employ a validated method for inactivation. This includes either: 1) testing a fraction of the samples to ensure sterility of the samples to be shipped; or 2) including a vial containing a sentinel aliquot of the listed infectious agent. After the inactivation process, this sentinel vial must be cultured to ensure sterility is achieved. With the sample, you must provide documentation to the IBC describing the validation method used, the date performed and a point of contact for the process.

  • Irradiation of sample at ASU.

If sample inactivation is not possible from the shipping site, you may inactivate the sample at ASU using either a Gamma Cell irradiator or CRT Irradiator along with a sentinel virus to ensure sterility. You must provide documentation to the IBC describing the irradiation method used, the date performed and a point of contact for the process.

  • Site-specific risk assessment.

If irradiation at ASU is not feasible, or if sample inactivation cannot be validated, a site-specific risk assessment will be performed to determine the procedures, engineering controls, and appropriate personal protective equipment necessary to work safely with the samples. The determination of whether the work can be safely performed at ASU will be made by EHS Biosafety/Biosecurity in collaboration with the Institutional Biosafety Committee.

For questions regarding inactivation of highly infectious agents, contact the ASU Biological Safety Officer at 480-965-1823 or [email protected].



Prior to initiating research with biohazards, you must register your laboratory with Environmental Health and Safety and an inspection must be performed. Biosafety level 2 or higher laboratories must be inspected at least every year. Biosafety level 1 laboratories are inspected at least once every 3 years. EHS may hold more frequent inspections, depending on the type of work being performed.  

The EHS Biosafety group performs the laboratory inspections and will work with researchers to develop safety plans and address any safety issues found. After inspection, they will provide a report of findings to the responsible party. EHS uses the Biosafety Level 1/2 Inspection Checklist as a guide for conducting the inspection. To set up a laboratory inspection or for questions on the laboratory registration process, contact [email protected]. It is imperative that findings from a laboratory inspection are addressed promptly.