Knowing how to navigate the IBC ERA system can make the submission process easier. Below are guides for navigating specific parts of the ERA system, information on how to add entities to the system for funding and additional IBC ERA FAQs. If there are additional questions or assistance is needed, please contact [email protected].


Adding entities to ERA

Investigators adding new sponsor/funding source/organization in the Enterprise Research Administration system may find that the entity they are trying to add does not exist. To add a new sponsor/funding source/new organization in the ERA, additional information is required to ensure that a complete record of the entity is filed correctly in the system. To ensure that complete information is provided, please see the option below to add an entity to the ERA.

If you don’t find the Sponsor/funding source/new organization on your list please reach out to your Research Administrator so they can add it to the ERA portal by following instructions in the link below:

For IBC ERA submissions

Please return to the IBC ERA Disclosure Funding Sources Page and add the funding source once a request to add the organization has been approved and the organization is viewable in the ERA system.

Additional IBC ERA FAQs

For additional commonly asked questions regarding ERA, please review this FAQ document. Please contact [email protected] if additional clarification is needed.